California is Failing
Our Students

40 years of disinvesting in public schools has created an education crisis. This has hurt low-income communities of color the most.


School Funding Crisis

California is the 5th largest economy in the world and our state has more billionaires than any place on earth. Yet we have systematically disinvested in public education to the point where our teachers have to buy their own school supplies and our students are being left behind.


California was once a national leader in education funding. Now we are near the bottom.
Our students receive only half the funding as high cost of living states like New York.


Students Deserve Better

Our students are not getting the education they deserve. Students do not have the access they need to staff such as guidance counselors, nurses, librarians, or social workers. This is causing irreversible damage to the development of young people across the state.


California has the largest class size in the nation and ranks near the bottom in number of students per counselor, nurse, librarian, and social worker.


Racial Inequity

The education crisis is amplified for low income students of color. California’s highest poverty districts suffer from the most drastic levels of underfunding. To achieve racial equity in California, we must fully fund our public schools.


Only 20.3% of low-income 9th graders in California will earn a bachelor's degree and California is the most segregated state for Latinx students, where 58% attend intensely segregated schools.

 For more details on California's education crisis, click below.

Join our people-powered movement to fully fund public education in California.

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