Air Quality Improves with Increased Public School Funding

The rise of COVID-19 was a wakeup call surrounding the poor air quality in our nation’s schools. After receiving billions of dollars in federal COVID-relief money, many school districts were able to implement solutions that made lasting improvements to the health and overall success of students. Good air quality is connected to student growth in math and reading, increased focus ability, fewer symptoms of asthma and other respiratory illnesses, and decreased absenteeism. Indeed, “if you look at the research, it shows that a school’s literal climate — the heat, the mold, the humidity — directly affects learning.”

While success so far is encouraging, we still have a long way to go to improve air quality in classrooms for students everywhere. All students deserve a safe and healthy space to learn — we need to allocate more funding to secure the futures of ALL students—whether air quality, food nutrition, secure housing, and so much more!


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CA is Facing a Substitute Shortage!