Arts Education is a Civil Right Inseparable from Freedom

Art plays an important role in students’ personal and academic success. However, California is falling behind in providing this crucial element of education. It is deplorable that only 20% of Californian middle schools reported art access and that only 64% of majority Black schools reported having a music teacher compared to 94% of majority white schools. California must do better for our kids.

Courtesy of Project KnuckleHead

Courtesy of Project KnuckleHead

Through the denial of arts education, students of color are disproportionately being denied the right to their soul and creative potential.

By Amir Whitaker, | 4/28/2021

Through the denial of arts education, students of color are disproportionately being denied the right to their soul and creative potential. In L.A. County, 72% of majority white schools had a full-time music teacher compared to 41% of majority Black schools and 36% of majority Latinx schools. Read More


Teachers report spring school reopenings were exhausting and unproductive


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