Are Students Spending Enough Time on School during the Pandemic?

During the pandemic, students have been spending significantly less time on academic work. Reductions in time spent in live instruction and studying could have negative consequences on academic performance, especially for students from low-income communities of color.

Public Policy Institute of California, 2021

Public Policy Institute of California, 2021

Distance-learning experiences have improved since the early days of the pandemic, but we still do not know whether students are making sufficient progress and whether gaps in learning are growing among student groups.

By Niu Gao, Laura Hill, Julien LaFortune, Public Policy Institute of California | 1/26/21

We do know that live instructional minutes are well below the number students would have spent in classrooms before the pandemic. In fall 2020, fewer than 70 percent of students had live instruction at least four days a week, and 18 percent had no live instruction at all. Read More


S.F. schools see learning gaps widen during pandemic


California schools were once the nation's envy. What went wrong?