Record Funding! But We’re Not Done Yet…

After years of underfunding, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2022-23 state budget included an increase in general funding for public schools by nearly 13%. The budget also included benefits for higher education in a long-awaited expansion of the Cal Grant—the changes, contingent on available revenue, would make an additional 150,000 students eligible for aid in coming years. Additional revenue was allocated to boost the Local Control Funding Formula, school transportation, community schools, and relief for districts facing enrollment losses, totaling $35 billion more than last year’s appropriation. 

This budget is a huge victory for our students! It directly addresses many of the areas in which public schools are seeing the greatest neglect, allocating sufficient resources to schools that are vital for our students’ success. While it is a step in the right direction, the fact that this budget stems from a one-time surplus is concerning. What we truly need is continuous funding for our public schools and students that prioritizes student and educator needs—and that remains a priority in the budget itself. Ultimately that means reforming Prop. 13 and restoring billions EVERY YEAR to our schools.


CA is Facing a Substitute Shortage!


Teacher Diversity is a Necessity