Higher Ed Enrollment Declined During the Pandemic

California is home to the largest higher education system in the country, our community college system. This institution educates nearly 1.6 million students — four times the CSU system and seven times the UC system. Our community college system, however, is seeing a significant drop in enrollment due to the pandemic.  

During times of recession we usually see the opposite effect, an increase in community college enrollment. However, the pandemic affects parent students (roughly four in ten) and part-time students (six in ten) disproportionately. Parent students might not want to risk coming to school or have limited childcare assistance, since most childcare centers are closed. Part-time students, on the other hand, may be frontline workers or want to prioritize their income during the pandemic. We also see Latino and Black student enrollment decline the most during the pandemic. This is troubling because we are seeing the most marginalized groups in our state unable to pursue the education that will potentially provide opportunities for a better future.

Jessica Christian for SF Chronicle


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