Prop. 13 misrepresented

Regarding “The ‘Black Tax’ is an enduring feature of homeownership in the U.S. and California” (Justin Phillips,, May 19): The notion that Proposition 13 was intended to benefit low-income people or that it “originated on the political left” is a blatant distortion of history.

Prop. 13 was a right-wing campaign waged by Howard Jarvis and his wealthy, predominantly white supporters. They deceived low-income and elderly homeowners into voting for a measure that ultimately serves the interests of big corporations and affluent commercial property owners. This was never an effort by the political left; Prop. 13 was always a right-wing extremist scheme. 

Prop. 13 has handed huge tax breaks to wealthy corporations while unfairly dumping the tax burden on new homeowners and starving our schools and essential public services of critical funding. 

Prop. 13 is already a third rail in California politics. Misrepresenting the origins of Prop. 13 does a disservice to readers and hinders meaningful dialogue about reform. We need honest, unflinching reporting that captures the full complexities of Prop. 13’s harmful legacy, rather than a sanitized article that absolves those who orchestrated this fiscal disaster. 

Gabrielle Lurie/The Chronicle

Prop. 13 misrepresented

By Tran Nguyen | SF Chroncicle| May 22, 2024


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