San Francisco School District Faces $125 Million Budget Crisis

The San Francisco school district is facing the difficult task of cutting $125 million from their budget. Even worse, if no action is taken, the district will deal with an additional $21 million to cut in 2023. Many parents and educators are cautioning against cutting funding in the midst of a devastating pandemic, when fully staffed classrooms and well resourced mental health are more necessary than ever. 

The district is being hit especially hard because of enrollment declines in the last five years, a regressive state policy that is punishing schools that are struggling to stay afloat during COVID-19. While the district cannot ignore its deficit, the state government has a budget surplus that can and should be used to save jobs. Our students deserve access to counseling, literary coaches, nurses, administrative staff, and other critical resources! 

Constanza Hevia H. for SF Chronicle


Teachers are leaving and few people want to join the field. Experts are sounding the alarm.


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