Stop corporate giveaways

Regarding “The latest proposal to fix S.F.’s housing slump: Slash the city’s transfer tax by half” (San Francisco,, June 25): When are we going to see the narrative that cutting taxes on real estate will somehow save us from the housing unaffordability crisis for the shallow, corporate giveaway that it is? 

Who do these tax breaks serve? I would like Supervisor Ahsha Safaí, who proposed the plan, to show me an instance where giving corporations tax breaks increased the quality of life for everyday people (or made housing more affordable). 

Oh! But don’t worry! Average San Franciscans will have the chance to fight over the measly 12% of units in these projects that are required to be affordable. What a relief. 

So-called “housing advocates” like Corey Smith need to understand the real impact of these policies and projects on our communities: backward corporate tax breaks that create housing only a select few can afford.

Stop Corporate Giveaways

By Olivia McHaney | SF Chroncicle| June 28th, 2024


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