Want to keep public schools open, pay teachers well and increase enrollment? Here’s how

By Jennifer Chacon-Duran

Regarding “Oakland school district called out for ‘troubling’ pattern of irresponsible spending” (Bay Area, SFChronicle.com, Sept. 25): It is ridiculous to call paying teachers a liveable wage irresponsible spending. It is also incredibly ridiculous to combat that expense by shutting down schools. 

School closures should never be the answer, especially for school board members. They should be fighting to keep our schools open and viable to our students. Instead of jumping to conclusions, why aren’t we asking why these schools’ enrollments are declining?

The root of the problem is Proposition 13. This is why it is crucial we all support Prop. 13 reform, especially those working on school boards. The answer we are all looking for to increase enrollment and student achievement lies in getting large corporations in our communities to pay their fair share in taxes. This would help pay teachers what they deserve and provide beneficial programs and services to our students to help them succeed. 

Supporting Prop. 13 reform would get us the funding needed for families to want to come back to our public schools. Our schools can and should provide students with the education they deserve and need. 

Photo Credit: Jessica Christian/The Chronicle


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