Student Voices

Students speak out on the education funding crisis.


California students deserve better.

Due to decades of budget shortfalls, our students have the most overcrowded classrooms in the nation and don’t have access to the most fundamental needs such as up-to-date textbooks, basic technology, or even toilet paper! We asked these students what they would do if their schools were fully funded.


“We need more funding for Chromebooks, all of them are broken.”

“Seniors don’t get enough support when it comes to college and career readiness.”

“A lot of programs are starting to be cut and it is affecting the wellbeing of students.”

“Our schools need more funding for field trips and college tours.”

“Underfunding teachers is not only affecting teachers it is also affecting us.”

“Better food that is healthier and more diverse for people like myself who are vegan.”

“We need restorative justice for those kids to help them resolve their problems.”

“Invest in money management classes and business classes cause we really need those.”

“Get more Councilors. There are only four councilors in my school for four hundred students.”

“I would like more funding for our school bathrooms because they are not sanitary.”

“Teachers should get raises so they can get paid a living wage.”

“We need actual school supplies because pencils should not be a luxury.”

“My teacher is like a mother to me, she gives me everything that I need.”

“I would buy lab equipment for all the science teachers.”

“We have one working bathroom. There’s never any toilet paper. There’s no soap.”

“I would redo our gym because it is really old.”

“Our bathrooms are like from a horror film. They are dark and scary.”